Step One: Beginning My Tech Journey

Geraldine Kwamboka
2 min readJan 21, 2023


Hello, I’d like to start by introducing myself.

I’m Geraldine Kwamboka. I think of myself as a tech enthusiast. A part of me feels like I’m not even allowed to say that because I barely have a year’s worth experience in tech.
I recently got into tech with a background in business and 3years work experience working for FMCG companies in digital marketing.

When I got my first “big-girl” job, I was required to earn my Google Analytics certificates because they needed someone to run the company website’s analytics and that someone just happened to be me. I remember being in my supervisor’s office and them asking me how long I thought it would take me to earn these certificates and I very quickly and naively said one month!

Needless to say, I earned the Introduction to Google Analytics in the time frame I had given but it was one of the most difficult things I had done.
This is how I got introduced to analytics, metrics and very interesting graphs. I loved it! I loved being able to make recommendations to the marketing and sales teams based off of my analyses of the website.
Shortly after, as I continued to increase my knowledge in analysis, I realized that I needed to learn some basic coding. I reached out to one of my closest friends, a techie, and had him tutor me on the basics of HTML and CSS. I found myself getting more and more interested in coding.

I realized that I wanted to get into a career that would allow me to practice what I was currently learning(coding) and what I had been doing at work, in terms of business. That was when I stumbled across data analytics and science…

My goal for this blog is to take you along my journey in data science; as I acquire more skills in this field.
I will be sharing insights on some of the projects I’ll be working on, as well as study material that I might find helpful to anyone looking to get into tech or is a beginner.

See you soon!

